Department of Philosophy

Philosophy has been a presence at the University of Saskatchewan for fully 100 years. Dr. Walter C. Murray, first President of the University, taught the first philosophy course here in 1909. The first Department Head was Ira MacKay and there have since been twelve more. Fr. Basil Markle began teaching scholastic philosophy in the Department in 1926; in 1936 he moved to the Department of Philosophy at the newly founded St. Thomas More College, the Catholic liberal arts college federated with the University. In the 1960s the main Department expanded to nine members under Dr. Leonard Miller (Head from 1961-1978). Recent changes have seen many new faces in the faculty, with all of the current members of the Department having been hired since 1999. 

The Philosophy Department has a thriving graduate program bringing together 10 Philosophy faculty members from our Department and St. Thomas More College, and an additional 5 associate and affiliated members from USask faculty.