Picture of  Yi Qin

Yi Qin PhD Candidate Sociology

Advisory Committee

  • Dr. Carolyn Brooks, Supervisor 
  • Dr. Hongming Cheng, Committee Member
  • Dr. Sarah Knudson, Committee Member
  • Dr. Marie Lovrod, Cognate Member

Thesis Topic

Domestic Violence Against Women in China

Research Interests

Intimate Partner Violence; Gendered Violence; Gender; Family; Migration; Intersectionality


  • Ph.D. student
  • MA, Usask (2020). MA thesis: “Personal Obstacles or Invisible Structural Barriers? A Study of Job-Hunting, Working Experience and Occupational Attainment of Chinese Immigrants in Saskatoon”.
  • BA, the University of Western Ontario (2017). Specialized Major in Sociology & Major in East Asia Studies

Hometown and country

Yi was born in northeast China but grew up in Chengdu, Sichuan province, the same hometown as the Giant panda. She came to Canada to study by herself at 19 years old and has spent most of her adult life here. Canada has been her home far away from home ever since.