Explore living and non-living things with these interactive activities.
Examine the attributes of plant seeds and sort them with this fun activity.
Learn about animal characteristics with this fun classroom activity.
Exploring forces and energy
A simple description of how sound and light energy work.
A fun video about magnetics and their properties.
A catchy song about heat energy
Observe physical forces with a painting top.
Observe physical forces by painting with a mallet.
Observe physical forces by painting with air.
Explore light energy and shadows cast by objects with shadow puppets. Make some puppet shapes to hand out or let kids create their own creatures and stories using just their hands.
Explore sound energy with by making sprinkles dance with vibrations caused by sound.
Get kids exploring and classifying items with this magnetic forces activity: Have kids test and sort different items around the classroom to see if they stick to a magnet.
Materials and objects
Sorting objects into groups.
Explore materials and objects.
This set of lesson plans gives kids a variety of ways to explore objects around them.
Get kids thinking about what their favourite toys are made of with this fun show-and-tell activity.
Exploring our natural surroundings
What's the weather like today song.
The water song from Sesame Street.
Sesame Street nature walk video.
Learn how to measure wind direction with this crafty weather vane activity.
Get kids thinking about soil and where the water goes when you water plants with this simple experiment.
Experiment with states of water with these fun and easy ice activities.
Get in touch with nature with this nature touch scavenger hunt.