
Kamskénow 2024/2025

Registration is now closed. Applicants will be notified soon about their acceptance into the program or placement on the waitlist.

About Us

Kamskénow (named by Elder Katie Poundmaker) is an award-winning program that provides culturally inclusive science and mathematics activities to Community Schools in Saskatoon. USask student instructors work with the same classroom weekly over 13 weeks. We partner with both the Saskatoon Public and Greater Saskatoon Catholic schools to provide activities that engage youth and enhance teachers’ professional development. Our primary goal is to increase science literacy and engagement, with the long-term aim of increasing the proportion of Indigenous students choosing to pursue continued education and employment in science-related fields.  

A variety of science disciplines represented in the College of Arts and Science (archeology, anthropology, biology, chemistry, computer science, geography, geology, mathematics/statistics, psychology and physics) are introduced through innovative hands-on activities. The last weekly session is hosted at the University of Saskatchewan campus, where students tour scientific laboratories, hear from USask faculty about the work they do and participate in activities on campus. 

We are currently seeking donors and sponsors to meet the demand of classes wanting to participate. If you are interested in learning more about supporting this initiative, please contact us




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