Examine how DNA is structured by creating delicious nucleotides that you combine to form a strand of nucleic acid, then complete the hydrogen bonds between two complementary strands to complete the double helix.
Learn about genotypes, phenotypes, and how to determine the genetic traits of offspring with this fun activity.
Explore plant reproductive organs with this flower dissection activity. If you don’t have access to a dissecting scope, a hand magnifier will work as well.
Observe asexual reproduction at work (and grow some delicious tubers!) with this simple asexual reproduction activity.
Atoms and elements
Ever wonder what an atom actually looks like?
The periodic table song!
An interactive period table.
Chemical reactions that changed history.
Use your knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of chemicals, and changes in the properties of chemicals, to solve a chemistry mystery.
Get to know the periodic table inside out with this fun and challenging twist on Battleship.
This stations lesson gets students thinking about how particles make atoms and how atoms of different elements are identified.
Characteristics of electricity
The history of electricity.
Resistance in a wire.
An introduction to Ohm’s Law.
Energy transfer and efficiency.
Students can demonstrate their understanding of series circuits as they design and build a simple speaker. For a greater challenge, design an experiment to test how current, number of coils, or direction of current impacts the output.
Get kids thinking about Ohm’s Law as they design and carry out an experiment to test how different wire properties affect resistance.
Even wonder how a lightbulb works? Build your own and see how light energy is produced.
Build a simple chemical battery and examine how changes in electrolytes and electrodes affect how the battery works with this series of electrifying activities.
Exploring our universe
Galaxies explained.
A history of the knowledge of our solar system.
The life cycle of stars.
The origin of the universe.
Black holes explained.
Use your knowledge of the different kinds of galaxies to help researchers collect real data for a real research project with Zooniverse. Log in, look a telescope images of galaxies, and classify them based on their features.
Learn how astronomers discover exoplanets with activity 2. As well as the recommended Android free apps, Spectrum Genius Essence is a suitable free alternative for iOS devices.
Track solar weather by building a simple magnetometer to measure changes in the Earth’s magnetic field.
This simple experiment models how rocky particles gathered to form the solar system and how a shockwave from an exploding star pushed the gases in our solar system out towards Jupiter and beyond.