Create your own ecosystem in a jar and learn about how all the different elements in the environment are interconnected.
Become a part of the carbon cycle. This activity helps to model both the structure of the carbon cycle as well as the complexity of movement through and within the cycle.
Become part of the nitrogen cycle.
Become part of the water cycle.
Learn the roles of all members of the food web as you play this interactive game of tag.
An alternate version for a more challenging food web game.
Learn how living things compete for resources in an ecosystem with this classroom game.
Mixtures and solutions
Learn about mixtures and solutions.
Mixtures and separation techniques.
Solutes, solvents, and solutions.
Why oil and water don't mix.
Explore elements, compounds, and mixtures with this cooperative sorting activity.
Separate the mixture of pigments that give leaves their colour with this chromatography activity.
Test the ability of a variety of liquid solvents to dissolve some common solutes with this lab activity.
A mystery mixture separation lab! If you prefer not to use a hotplate in the classroom, students can leave their saltwater solutions to evaporate in a shallow dish.
Heat and temperature
What is heat?
There's no such thing as cold.
The hottest hot and coldest cold.
What is absolute zero?
What’s the best way to keep heat in? Test insulation materials with this heat transfer experiment.
Convection detection.
Pie-pan convection.
Make your own thermometer to measure changes in temperature.
Use the transfer of heat energy to make a boat move with this activity.
Earth’s crust and resources
Landforms and geological structure of Earth.
Ever wondered how Mt. Everest got so tall?
How does gold mining work?
What is under the Earth’s crust?
Supervolcanoes and catastrophic forces that shape Earth.
We can’t always dig a mine to get resources out of the ground. Students have to find creative solutions to extract resources as they learn about solution mining with this activity.
Try your hand at finding resources with this exploration and core sampling activity.
Students can explore how extrusion of magma below Earth’s surface shapes the crust of our planet while they make a delicious snack.
Students examine different types of soil and evaluate which soil types are best to support plant growth with this soil identification and examination lab.