Kids love technology, but did you know what might be living on your phone?
Examine long-term success of adaptations with this fun predator competition activity.
This predator-prey game gets students thinking about adaptations and the interrelationship between species in an ecosystem.
Introduce students to systems of classification with the aliens of Pamishan.
This long-term composting activity gives students a chance to see good microorganisms hard at work.
Understanding electricity
What is static electricity?
More about static electricity.
Learn about electricity.
Build a simple electric circuit while learning how batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy with this electrifying activity.
Turn some simple hardware and scrap wood into a circuit board where kids can discover parallel and series circuits as they build simple light circuits.
Build an electroscope and test different materials to see which ones produce the most static charge.
This experiment has kids build a simple circuit and test different materials to see if they are conductors or insulators.
Principles of flight
How do planes fly?
Learn about flight.
What happens when you put a hummingbird into a wind tunnel?
Bernoulli’s principle and airplane flight.
Lean about the forces of flight by building different things that fly and glide. This activity packet has instructions for students to build rockets, a take-tombo, a hot air balloon, and a kite.
Learn about the four forces of flight as you build and modify paper airplane models to make them fly higher, faster, and further.
Students will learn how engineers develop a design, build and test prototypes, and troubleshoot design failures as they design and build their own glider.
Explore Bernoulli’s Principle with this set of air pressure activities that will leave students amazed and excited to learn more.
Solar system
Learn about the rocky planets.
Learn about the gas giants.
Chris Hadfield talks about space myths.
Live feed from the International Space Station.
NASA TV: Live-streaming content with scientists talking about the latest discoveries from the telescopes, rovers, and satellites in space, plus live coverage of all launches and capsule returns.
Get the class up and moving with this large-scale working model of the solar system. Move the planets to show their relative positions on any date.
Make your own eclipse generator: Students will model the position of the sun, moon, and earth to see how the position of the celestial objects creates solar and lunar eclipses.
How does the tilt of the Earth create the seasons? See and measure how a slight tilt in the Earth changes the way the sun’s energy reaches the planet’s surface with this activity.
Heat is one of the toughest challenges facing humans wanting to travel to other planets. With this activity, students will design a spacecraft that can withstand the heat of Venus or Mercury.