This activity set explores the different organs of the digestive system and how they all work together. There are several hands-on activities to help kids see how each part and function of the digestive system works.
Examine the properties of bones that make them both firm and flexible using chicken bones.
While students are learning about the cardiovascular system, they can create a working stethoscope to learn about how doctors monitor and test cardiac health.
Build a working model of the cardiovascular system and explore how different factors affect how well fluid flows through the system. It's a great whole-class project.
Working as a group, the class will turn themselves into a model of the human nervous system and learn how the brain organizes and sends information to and from parts of the body to allow us to move and react.
Physical properties of materials
Matter matters!
Learn about the chemical changes that happen in your kitchen.
What are the states of matter?
Is Oobleck a solid or a liquid? This video looks at how properties of matter can change.
This set of short chemistry activities that can be used as stations or individually to show some non-reversible changes where everyday items combine to form something new.
Using a hot plate and some sugar you can show students that water isn’t the only thing that can freeze and melt! Turn sugar into a liquid with heat and make some delicious candy in the process.
Explore changing states with this sublimation activity: Watch as dry ices leaves condensed water vapour trails as it changes from a solid to a gas.
Explore properties of ice and water with some frozen water balloons.
Forces and simple machines
The force of gravity and its effect on Earth.
Gravity and falling objects.
Investigate simple machines.
Explore gravity.
Create art that shows the effect of gravity on motion with this pendulum painting activity. A plastic condiment bottle can be substituted for the Styrofoam cup for more control of the paint.
PrIntroduce students to simple machines with this problem-solving challenges.
Create an inventor’s workshop where kids can explore and combine simple machines to accomplish tasks (see activity 5).
Combine what you are learning about forces, motion, and simple machines to design and build a basketball game.
Learn about the difference between weather and climate.
The wilder side of weather.
How can we predict the weather?
Learn about air currents and weather patterns.
Learn how weather is measured and track your own weather conditions with this weather station building activity. Students will build 5 different measurement devices and will learn how to use them.
Explore how solar energy heats and moves air while making some delicious snacks with this solar oven activity.
Learn about albedo and measure differences in solar energy absorption with this experiment.
Record the weather at your school and other locations to see how weather patterns change at home and around the world. Try tracking the weather in cities east and west of your school to see if you can predict your own!