An animal characteristics and habitats guessing game.
How different baby animals learn to walk.
Kids can show what they’ve learned about animals, habitats, and adaptations as they design a creature.
Put your habitat knowledge to the test with this animal and habitat matching game.
Learn about life cycles with this fun butterfly life cycle board game.
Sequence the life cycle of a frog with this painted rock game. For extra fun, have the students paint their own life cycle rocks.
Liquids and solids
Solids and liquids
The properties of solids and liquids.
The dissolve song.
What happens when we mix different liquids and solids together?
Explore properties of solids with this tasty cookie experiment.
Learn about solids that dissolve in water and the properties of those solutions with this density activity.
What will dissolve in water? Adapt this for older students by having them make predictions and record observations.
Get kids mixing things up as they explore how we can combine liquids and solids to make useful things.
Motion and relative position
Relative position song.
Learn about force and motion.
How do things move?
This adaptable grid game gets kids thinking about relative position as they write directions to achieve a goal.
Get kids playing with motion, forces, and friction with this set of push and pull activities.
Some great outdoor activities to get kids thinking about relative position and motion.
Air and water in the environment
Learn about pollution.
Water and its changing states.
Learn how water gets to your house.
Why do we need water?
Do your best to stop the ice from melting! Examine how well different materials slow the melting rate of ice with this cool activity.
Get your students thinking like scientists as they design their own experiment to test which material can absorb the most water.
Have kids try this simple activity to demonstrate that air takes up space, just like water. This can be done as a whole class demo, but if you can give small groups of students the supplies, they can try it themselves.
Learn about how water pollution happens, and just how hard it is to clean, with this hands-on activity.