Fur, feathers, scales, or skin: human and animal characteristics.
Explore the butterfly life cycle.
The parts of a plant song.
What do animals need to eat?
Get kids thinking about what plants need to live with this plant life cycle activity.
Think about how butterflies grow as you create this butterfly life cycle craft.
Sort animals into groups based on their characteristics with these simple activities. Scroll to the end for a sorting game that gets everyone up and moving.
Learn about how animals move with this animal sorting game.
Using objects and materials
How do we organize objects?
Natural and fabricated things.
An introduction to structures.
Learn about recycling and how old materials like bottles and cardboard get turned into new things.
Have kids test different materials to see which ones will protect a dinosaur from getting wet.
Get kids thinking about multiple properties of objects with this Venn Diagram sorting activity.
Learn about how to join objects and materials with this puppet making lesson.
Show kids how materials can change to make something new with this playdough-making class activity.
Using our senses
What are the five senses?
Learn about the super senses of animals.
How a puppy learns to be a seeing eye dog.
Guess the sound game: how well can your ears work to tell you what’s happening in the world around you?
10 simple activities to get kids using their senses to guess mystery objects, experience colour blindness, or design their own musical instruments.
Explore touch and the amazing sensing power of our fingertips with these touch activities.
Learn about the basic tastes with this testing and sorting activity.
Daily and seasonal changes
The seasons song.
The Berenstain Bears on seasons and changes in weather.
Learn about seasonal animal adaptations.
Day and night explained.
Students can learn about day and night with this light cycles craft.
Get kids learning about the phases and changes in the moon over time with this tasty moon phases activity.
Explore animal adaptations and behaviours related to the seasons: Design a den, see if you can build the strongest nest, or do a nature hunt to see how the environment changes throughout the year.
Learn about seasons and make a transforming tree game with some rocks and paint.