
Postdoctoral Fellowships


  • None at this time — please check here again for upcoming advertisements.



Graduate Positions (MSc, PhD) / Fellowships


  • For graduate positions in the quanTA Centre, interested candidates need to apply directly to a graduate program in a University of Saskatchewan academic department.  We encourage you to reach out to a potential supervisor amongst the faculty on our People page.  Please indicate that you are interested in being a graduate member of quanTA. Deadlines for applications vary by department but are typically in mid-January each year.  Please contact faculty well in advance of the deadlines. If you are admitted, we may then consider you for a quanTA Fellowship that is provided as an enhancement of your admission funding package.  These are subject to performance and availability of funds.



Undergraduate Research Positions


  • We are keen to expose undergraduate students to the types of research that quanTA is engaged in. These experiences are typically offered in the Spring/Summer Term through the NSERC USRA program, through other research assistantship programs, or through quanTA directly.  These positions are 8-16 weeks in duration depending upon the requirements of the project and the type of award.  The deadline for the NSERC USRA competition is typically the end of January / beginning of February and the deadline for the USask USRA is typically mid-March.  Please contact a faculty member on our People page well in advance of the deadlines to inquire if they are willing to support you for either of these awards.  Please note that these awards are extremely competitive.  As such,  BSc Honours students with exemplary performance in a subject area related to quanTA will be given priority.