History Graduate Students Association

The HGSA is an elected body of graduate students that provides for the administration, unity, and welfare of all MA and PhD students in the Department of History.

Who we are

Elected every March, the HGSA operates throughout the year and administers a range of social and intellectual activities designed to facilitate student interaction. The HGSA works hard to foster a vibrant social community within our Department.  We host numerous social events throughout the year including seasonal parties, games nights, and other activities.

HGSA Elections are held each March and executive terms last for one full year.  In September, the HGSA holds by-elections to support outgoing graduate students who may have to leave a position and to allow incoming graduate students a chance to join the team. HGSA positions are open to MA and PhD students in History.  All History graduate students are encouraged to get involved!  It is a rewarding experience and a great way to meet new people.  Detailed descriptions of HGSA executive positions and duties can be found in our constituion. 

Executive Members

Our 2023-2024 HGSA

Chair: Jessy Lee Saas

Faculty Liaison: Derek Cameron

GSA Representative: Kiegan Lloyd

Social Media Coordinator: Rhianne Billard 

Member at Large: Justin Fisher

Member at Large: Alan Wobester

Member at Large: Harris Ford

Member at Large: Kiera Mitchell

Upcoming Events & Announcements

It is By-Election Season! The following positions are available: Faculty Liaison, GSA Rep, Social Media Coordinator, Vice-Chair, and Member(s) at Large. If you are interested in a position, you can "nominate" yourself for that position by emailing the chair, jessylee.saas@usask.ca.

The nomination deadline is noon on September 28, 2023. Elections will be held on September 29. 


The Graduate Community Repository is a peer-learning initiative designed by the Department of History and the HGSA to allow graduate students to store short pages of tips/advice about graduate school and to catalogue materials created by graduate students within the department related to teaching, research, and professionalization. The result is a curated collection of the collective wisdom and experiences of the Department of History’s graduate students in a repository that allows knowledge to be shared with their peers and with future students.

The repository consists of two main sections. The first section allows students to upload text and pdf files with attached metadata through a series of user-friendly drop-down menus. The second section consists of a catalogue that allows students to sort the posts by category, author, field, and creation date and to view or download files other students have posted.

Find the The Graduate Community Repository databased here.

Any problems or questions should be reported to either Dr. Benjamin Hoy (benjamin.hoy@usask.ca) or the graduate repository coordinator (jessylee.saas@usask.ca).

The history department's graduate colloquium is a central part of graduate student education, a showpiece for graduate studies, and a point of pride for the department. The colloquia provide professional training for student presenters and are at the same time one of the best ways of developing a sense of community among students and faculty.

The paper may be an outline of the student's proposed research, a chapter from the thesis, or an aspect of the subject under research. The purpose is to give the student some experience in preparing and delivering a paper to an audience of faculty and other graduate students.

Attendance and presentation of a paper at the graduate colloquia comprise part of the requirement for History 990. All MA students are required to present at and attend the colloquium, and PhD students are required to attend and participate. Asking questions, providing feedback, and initiating discussion and debate are just as important to the development of students' skills as are making the presentations.

The Graduate Colloquium meets several times throughout the year to hear MA students' presentation on their current thesis research. This event provides both an academic and a social function for all graduate students and department faculty. Your attendance, participation, and support is encouraged and appreciated.

The Graduate Colloquium is an official event administered by the Department of History. General inquiries can be made to the Department's Director of Graduate Studies, Erika Dyck, for more specific questions and direction, your supervisor.

Colloquium meetings will be held in the Grad Commons, Emmanuel St. Chad Chapel. The Department will provide light refreshments.

2018-19 MA Colloquium

November 26, 2018
Diefenbaker Centre

PhD and MA Students

Click here to see the profiles of our current MA and PhD students.

Contact Us

For further information, please email:

The HGSA Email, historygradstudents@gmail.com

Jessy Lee Saas, HGSA Chair, jessylee.saas@usask.ca

TBD, Social Media Coordinator, 


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