Research Area(s)
- Sociology of Education
- Social Inequality and Exclusion
- Indigenous-Settler Relations
- Social Policy
- Immigration and Racialized Minorities
- Work and Labour Markets
About me
Terry Wotherspoon is Professor of Sociology at the University of Saskatchewan. He was awarded the title of Distinguished Professor by the university in 2024. He has a Ph.D. in Sociology from Simon Fraser University, along with degrees in Sociology (M.A. and B.A.) and Education (B.Ed.). Before beginning his academic career, which has included several years of service as Head of Sociology, he taught school at elementary and secondary levels. His research and publications focus on issues related to education, social policy, Indigenous-settler relations, and social inclusion, exclusion and inequality in Canada, supported with funding from SSHRC as well as other agencies and organizations, including Saskatchewan Learning, the Laidlaw Foundation, the Council of First Ministers of Education Canada, and the Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration. His current research includes projects related to: schooling and processes of reconciliation in Canada; issues of social inclusion, exclusion, and diversity in settler colonial nation-states; the development of Sociology in North America and the UK during the 20th century; and the impact of education and labour market policies and practices on international migration.
He has been recognized for his scholarly contributions to both Sociology (as recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Canadian Sociological Association in 2021) and Education (the Whitworth Award for Educational Research presented by the Canadian Education Association in 2002). He is also a recipient of Canadian Sociological Association awards for Outstanding Service (2018) and, with co-author Emily Milne of MacEwan University, the Canadian Review of Sociology Best Article Award (2021), as well as an award from the Canadian Association for Foundations of Education for an early edition of one of his books, The Sociology of Education in Canada: Critical Perspectives. He has been actively engaged in administrative roles for several scholarly and professional organizations, including terms as President of the Canadian Sociological Association, Managing Editor of the Canadian Review of Sociology, roles as chair and member of the Board of Governors of the Prairie Metropolis Centre (for immigration and integration research), and membership on the Executive Committee and Board of Governors of Immigration Research West. He has held appointments as Adjunct Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, and Visiting Professor at Lanzhou University, Northwest University for Nationalities, and Huazhong Agricultural University, all in China.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. The Sociology of Education in Canada: Critical Perspectives, 5th edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. (First edition published by Oxford University Press in 1998; subsequent editions published in 2004, 2009, and 2014).
Terry Wotherspoon and Bernard Schissel. 2003. The Legacy of School for Aboriginal People: Education, Oppression, and Emancipation. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. [This book is included on the Residential school reading list compiled by TRC Commissioner Murray Sinclair at:]
Vic Satzewich and Terry Wotherspoon. 2000. First Nations: Race, Class, and Gender Relations. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center [with new introduction – originally published with Nelson Canada].
Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth, editors. 1995. Multicultural Education in a Changing Global Economy: Canada and the Netherlands. Münster/New York: Waxmann.
Terry Wotherspoon, editor. 1991. Hitting the Books: The Politics of Educational Retrenchment. Toronto and Saskatoon: Garamond Press and Social Research Unit.
Terry Wotherspoon, editor. 1987. The Political Economy of Canadian Schooling. Toronto: Methuen.
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2024. The Role of Cultural Supports for Indigenous Students: Spaces for and Impediments to Decolonizing Education. Race, Ethnicity, and Education [online first].
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2023. Public Perspectives on Curriculum Reform for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 23(1), 29-48.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2023. ‘Success is different in our eyes’: reconciling definitions of educational success among Indigenous families and education systems in Alberta, Canada. Critical Studies in Education 64(5), 428-447. DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2023.2173266
Wotherspoon, Terry. 2023. International Students: Mobility and Resettlement, in Min Zhou and Hasan Mahmud (eds.), Beyond Economic Migration: Social, Historical and Political Factors in US Immigration. New York: New York University Press, 213-245
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2023. Transforming Education: What Are Schools Doing to Advance Decolonization? in Johanne Jean-Pierre, Vanessa Watts, Carl E. James, Patrizia Albanese, Xiaobei Chen, and Michael Graydon (eds.), Reading Sociology: Unsettling a Settler Colonial Project & Re/writing Sociological Narratives. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 223-228.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2023. Student, Parent, and Teacher Perspectives on Reconciliation-Related School Reforms. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 17(1), 54-67.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2022. Cosmopolitanism and Decolonization: Contradictory Perspectives on School Reform to Advance Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity 10(1&2), 45-58.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2022. Exploring Definitions of Indigenous Student Success, in Monica Hwang, Edward Grabb, and Jeffrey Reitz, editors, Social Inequality in Canada: Dimensions of Disadvantage, 7th edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 117-130.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2021. ‘Errors Were Made': Public Attitudes Regarding Reconciliation and Education in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology 58(3): 306-326.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2020. Educational Reform and Reconciliation: Contested Public Discourses. Canadian Public Policy 46(4): 445-457.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2020. Seeking to Improve Student Success by Building Connections Between Indigenous Parents and Schools: A Case Study in Alberta, Canada, in Carol A. Mullen, editor, Handbook of Social Justice Interventions in Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Wotherspoon, Terry. 2020. Reconciliation and Decolonization: Challenges for Committing Sociology in a Connected World, in Sari Hanafi and Chin-Chun Yi, editors, Sociologies in Dialogue. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 241-263.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2020. What Do Indigenous Education Policy Frameworks Reveal about Commitments to Reconciliation in Canadian School Systems? The International Indigenous Policy Journal 11(1).
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2020. Schools as ‘Really Dangerous Places' for Indigenous Children and Youth: Schools, Child Welfare, and Contemporary Challenges to Reconciliation. Canadian Review of Sociology 57(1): 34-52.
Wotherspoon, Terry. 2020. Access to Secondary Education in Canada, in Rachel Heydon, Maria Teresa Tatto, and Ian Menter, editors, Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. DOI: 10.5040/9781350996274.0028.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2019. ‘Alignment-Plus': Alignment with Schooling Requirements and Cultural-Bridging among Indigenous Middle-Class Parents. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(1): 127-143. DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1668749.
Wotherspoon, Terry and John Hansen. 2019. Racial Profiling and Reconciliation: The Quest for Indigenous Justice in Canada, in Bonnie Berry, editor, Physical Appearance and Crime. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 75-93.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. Migration, Boundaries and Differentiated Citizenship: Contested Frameworks for Inclusion and Exclusion, Social Inclusion 6(3): 153-16.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. Educational Reform, Indigenous Communities, and Teachers’ Changing Work Roles, in Motoko Akiba and Gerald K. LeTendre, editors, Routledge International Handbook of Teacher Quality and Policy. London: Routledge, 285-303.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. Aboriginal Education in Canada: Opportunities and Barriers, in Patrizia Albanese, Lorne Tepperman and Emily Alexander, editors, Reading Sociology, 3rd edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 197-201.
Terry Wotherspoon and John Hansen. 2016. Reflecting on Indigenous Teachings: Ecological Perspectives, Oil Sands Development and the Idle No More Movement, in Michael Hankard and John Charleton, editors, We Still Live Here: First Nations, the Alberta Oil Sands, and Surviving Globalism. Vernon, BC: Charleton Publishing, 155-169.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2016. Higher Education Growth Amidst Uncertain Labour Markets in Canada and China (published in Chinese), in Yanjie Bian and Li Zong, editors, Western China in Transition: Development and Social Governance. Beijing: Social Science Press, 152-169.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2016. Indigenous Children and Social Inclusion in Canada, in Vibha Sharma and Ashlie Brink, editors, Childhood Through the Looking Glass. Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Bernard Schissel and Terry Wotherspoon. 2016. The Legacy of Residential Schools, in Valerie Zawilski, editor. Inequality in Canada: A Reader on the Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class in Canada, 3rd edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2015. Education, in Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese, editors, Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, 4th edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 340-367
Terry Wotherspoon. 2015. Knowledge and Salvation for a Troubled World: Sociology and the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion, The American Sociologist 46(3): 373-413.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2015. Formal and Informal Indigenous Education, in W. James Jacob, Sheng Yao Cheng and Maureen K. Porter, editors, Indigenous Education: Language, Culture and Identity. Dordrecht: Springer, 77-97.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2014. Seeking Reform of Indigenous Education in Canada: Democratic Progress or Democratic Colonialism?, AlterNative 10(4): 323-339.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2014. Emile Durkheim and the Sociology of Education in a Changing Social World, in Rakhmat Hidayat, The Sociology of Education of Emile Durkheim. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, xv-xxvi.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2014. Native-Newcomer Relations: Reconfigurations of Saskatchewan's Diverse Social Landscapes, in Christine Ramsay and Randal Rogers, editors, Overlooking Saskatchewan: Minding the Gap. Regina: University of Regina Press, 217-238.
Terry Wotherspoon and John Hansen. 2013. The ‘Idle No More’ Movement: Paradoxes of First Nations Inclusion in the Canadian Context, Social Inclusion 1(1): 121-136.
Qianru She and Terry Wotherspoon. 2013. International Student Mobility and High Skilled Migration: A Comparative Study of Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, SpringerPlus 2(1): 132-146.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2012. Education and Class Relations: Canada's Indigenous People and the Knowledge Society, International Journal of Arts and Sciences 5(6): 415-435.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2011. Triple Helix or Triple Jeopardy: The Social Dimensions of Changing Universities, in James Dzisah and Henry Etkowitz, editors. The Age of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Universities, Science and Society. Leiden, NL: Brill Studies in Critical Social Sciences series, 55-71.
Bernard Schissel and Terry Wotherspoon. 2010. The Legacy of Residential Schools, in Valerie Zawilski, editor. Inequality in Canada: A Reader on the Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class in Canada, 2nd edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 102-121.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2009. Transformations in Canadian Nursing and Nurse Education, in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickinson, editors. Health, Illness and Health Care in Canada, 4th ed. Scarborough, ON: Thompson Nelson, 99-121.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2008. Balancing Global Challenges and Social Justice in Teachers’ Work: The Case of Aboriginal Education in Canada, in Shannon A. Moore and Richard C. Mitchell, editors. Power, Pedagogy and Praxis: Social Justice in the Globalized Classroom. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 149-164.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2008. Teachers’ Work Intensification and Educational Contradictions in Aboriginal Communities, Canadian Review of Sociology 45(4): 385-414.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2007. Incorporation of Aboriginal Labour, in Sean Hier and B. Singh Bolaria, editors, Race and Racism in 21st Century Canada: Continuity, Complexity, and Change. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 131-150.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2006. Teachers’ Work in Canadian Aboriginal Communities, Comparative Education Review 50(4): 672-694.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2005. The Boundaries of Public Education in the Knowledge-Based Economy, in Bruce Ravelli, editor. Exploring Canadian Sociology: A Reader. Toronto: Pearson, 187-198.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2003. Aboriginal People, Public Policy, and Social Differentiation in Canada, in Danielle Juteau, editor. Social Differentiation: Patterns and Processes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 155-204 [also published as “Les Autochtones, les politiques socials et la differentiation sociale au Canada,” dans Danielle Juteau, dir. La differentiation sociale: modèles et processus. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 155-203].
Terry Wotherspoon. 2003. Prospects for a New Middle Class Among Urban Aboriginal People, in David Newhouse and Evelyn Peters, editors. Not Strangers in these Parts: Urban Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Policy Research Initiative, 147-165.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2002. Nursing Education: Professionalism and Control, in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickinson, editors. Health, Illness, and Health Care in Canada, 3rd revised edition. Toronto: Nelson Thompson, 82-101.
Terry Wotherspoon and Bernard Schissel. 2001. The Business of Placing Canadian Children and Youth ‘At-Risk’,Canadian Journal of Education 26(3): 321-339.
Terry Wotherspoon and Bernard Schissel, 2000. Marginalization, Decolonization and Voice: Prospects for Aboriginal Education in Canada, in Yves Lenoir, William Hunter, Douglas Hodgkinson, Patrice de Broucker, and André Dolbec, editors. A Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda. Ottawa: Canadian Society for Studies in Education, 193-214.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2000. Transforming Canada’s Education System: The Impact on Educational Inequalities, Opportunities, and Benefits, in B. Singh Bolaria, editor. Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society, 3rd edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, 250-272.
B. Singh Bolaria and Terry Wotherspoon. 2000. Income Inequality, Poverty and Hunger, in B. Singh Bolaria, editor. Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society, 3rd edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, 73-90.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1999. The Incorporation of Public School Teachers into the Industrial Order: British Columbia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, in Pat Armstrong and M. Patricia Connelly, editors, Feminism, Political Economy and the State: Contested Terrain. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 23-56 [version of article originally published in 1993 in Labour/Le Travail (Spring) 31: 75-110].
Terry Wotherspoon. 1999. Towards Meaningful Analysis of Educational Practices and Possibilities: Response to Richard Heyman, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 18: 457-460.
Terry Wotherspoon and Joanne Butler. 1999. The Contributions of Education and Work to Sustainability and Well-Being in Changing Rural Communities, Health and Canadian Society 5(2): 245-262.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1998. Education, Place, and the Sustainability of Rural Communities in Saskatchewan, Journal of Research in Rural Education 14(3): 131-141.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1996. The Hidden Curriculum, in Bernard Schissel and Linda Mahood, editors, Social Control in Canada: Issues in the Social Construction of Deviance. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 335-351.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. Occupational Divisions and Struggles for Unity Among British Columbia’s Public School Teachers, B.C. Studies (Autumn) 107: 30-59.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. “The Incorporation of Public School Teachers into the Industrial Order: British Columbia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century,” Studies in Political Economy (Spring) 46: 119-151.
Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth. 1995. Multiculturalism and Education in Changing Political Economies, in Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth, editors. Multicultural Education in a Changing Global Economy: Canada and the Netherlands, 1-22.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. Multiculturalism and the Management of Race and Ethnic Relations in Canadian Schooling, in Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth, editors. Multicultural Education in a Changing Global Economy: Canada and the Netherlands, 41-60.
B. Singh Bolaria, Harley D. Dickinson and Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. Rural Issues and Problems, in B. Singh Bolaria, editor. Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society, 2nd edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada, 419-443.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1994. Families and Labour Reproduction, in Peter S. Li and B. Singh Bolaria, editors. Essentials of Contemporary Sociology. Toronto: Copp Clark Longman, 168-194.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1994. Colonization, Self-Determination, and the Health of Canada's First Nations People, in B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Bolaria, editors. Racial Minorities, Medicine, and Health. Toronto: Fernwood Books, 247-267.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1994. The Impact of Health Care De-Institutionalization on the Organization and Delivery of Nursing Services, in B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Bolaria, editors. Women, Medicine and Health. Toronto: Fernwood Books, 253-268.
Harley D. Dickinson and Terry Wotherspoon. 1992. From Assimilation to Self Government: Towards a Political Economy of Canada's Aboriginal Policies, in Vic Satzewich, editor. Deconstructing a Nation: Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism in 90's Canada. Halifax and Saskatoon: Fernwood Publishing Social Research Unit, 405-421.
Wotherspoon, Terry. 1991. State Regulation of Teacher Immigration to Canada, in Roberto Cipriani, editor. The Annals (New Series II). Rome, Italy: International Institute of Sociology: 131-154.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1991. Indian Control or Controlling Indians? Barriers to the Occupational and Educational Advancement of Canada's Native Peoples, in Terry Wotherspoon, editor. Hitting the Books: The Politics of Educational Retrenchment. Toronto and Saskatoon: Garamond Press and Social Research Unit, 249-273.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1991. Educational Reorganization and Retrenchment, in Terry Wotherspoon, editor. Hitting the Books: The Politics of Educational Retrenchment. Toronto: Garamond Press, 15-34.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1988. Training and Containing Nurses: The Development of Nursing Education in Canada, in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickinson, editors. Sociology of Health Care in Canada. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 375-392.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1987. Conflict and Crisis in Canadian Education, in Terry Wotherspoon, editor. The Political Economy of Canadian Schooling. Toronto: Methuen, 1-15.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1986. Prison Education and Fiscal Crisis, in Brian D. MacLean, editor. The Political Economy of Crime. Scarborough: Prentice Hall, 166-176.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1984. Ideals and Sausage Factories: Schools in Capitalist Society, in John A. Fry, editor. Contradictions in Canadian Society. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 207-218.
Other Articles and Research Reports:
Terry Wotherspoon. 2021. Negotiating the Boundaries of Sociological Knowledge and Practice: Ann Denis’s Contributions to Canadian and Global Sociology. Canadian Review of Sociology 58(1), 125-127. doi:
T. Keatings, C. Down, J. Garcea, L, Zong, M. Huq, P. Grant, and T. Wotherspoon. 2012. Taking the Pulse of Saskatchewan 2012: Immigration and Diversity in Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, SK: Social Sciences Research Laboratories, University of Saskatchewan.
Tom Carter, Tracey Derwing, Linda Ogilvie, and Terry Wotherspoon, 2009. “Introduction - Our Diverse Cities: The Prairies - Frontiers of Migration,” in Our Diverse Cities 6 (Spring), 3-7.
Tom Carter, Tracey Derwing, Linda Ogilvie, and Terry Wotherspoon, guest editors. 2009. Our Diverse Cities 6, Spring, special edition on Prairie Region.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2007. “Teaching for Equity? What Teachers Say About their Work in Aboriginal Communities,” Education Canada, Fall, 47(4), 64-68.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2007. The Challenge to Maintain a Strong Public Education System in Saskatchewan. Regina: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Saskatchewan Office, October.
Terry Wotherspoon, Bernard Schissel and Trina Evitts, with Joanne Butler and Jason Doherty and support from Barbara Young and Pat Erhardt. 2006. Community Schools Data Collection Project Provincial Report. Regina: Saskatchewan Learning, January.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2004. “Education as Public Place and Inclusive Space,” Education Canada, Winter, 44(1), 12-15; 51.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2002. The Dynamics of Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Public Education in Canada. Laidlaw Foundation Initiative on Social Inclusion, June.
Core Courses:
SOC 840.6 – Advanced Theory
SOC 233.3 – Introduction to Sociological Theory
SOC 426/826 – Seminar on Social Policy
Thesis Supervision in Progress:
Abdul-Shakuru, Mohammed, Ph.D., Sociology (Education and disability policy)
Boily, Meaghan, M.A., Sociology (Sociology of education)
Theses Supervised (completed):
Abban, Isaac. M.A. project. Exploring Power Relations among Children with Disabilities in Ghana’s Inclusive Educational Framework: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Department of Sociology.
Gao, Yuchen. 2022. Ph.D. How Do Medical Students Learn Professionalism and Develop Professional Identities? An Institutional Ethnography of the Curriculum at One Medical School. Department of Sociology.
Gomez, Luz. 2021. M.A. project. Decolonizing the Negotiation of Qu’appelle or Treaty 4 For Reconciliation: A Review of Literature Analyzed Through the Interconnection Between Biopower and Symbolic Violence. Department of Sociology.
Li, Yiyan. 2020. Ph.D. Gender Representation in Chinese Political News Coverage of Corruption. Department of Sociology.
Jean, Jason. 2018. Ph.D. Challenging Scientific Hegemony: The Counter-Hegemony of Saskatoon Creationists. Department of Sociology.
Carlberg, Courtney. 2018. M.A. Analysing the Social, Political and Economic Factors Impacting the Growth of Licensed Child Care in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Richman-Monar, Trina. 2017. Ph.D. (co-supervisor with A. Taylor, UBC). Loudness and Pizzazz: Ethics and the Performative Ethos in a Research-Intensive University. Department of Sociology.
Fung, Ka Yi. 2017. Ph.D. Social Networks and Academic Failure: A Case Study of Rural Students in China. Department of Sociology.
Daschuk, Mitch. 2016. Ph.D. The Decline of Western Counter-Hegemony: Identity, Ideological Conflict and the Field of Punk Rock Artistic Production. Department of Sociology.
Gao, Yuchen. 2015. M.A. Hidden Curriculum and Students' Development of Professionalism in Medical Education. Department of Sociology.
Lahiji, Artin. 2015. Ph.D. Teachers' Perspectives on Media Educational Practices in Elementary School Classrooms. Interdisiplinary Studies.
Yamaguchi, Kenichi. 2014. Ph.D. Post-War Governance in Okinawa: Normalizing U.S. Military Exceptionalism. Department of Sociology.
Di, Jin. 2014. Ph.D. Institution and Inequality in Transitional Urban China: Earnings and Employment of Migrants and Non-Migrants. Department of Sociology.
Lu, Yixi. 2012. Ph.D. Life Transition in Social Transformation: University Students’ Experiences, Aspirations and Achievements in China. Department of Sociology.
Jean, Jason. 2011. M.A. Religion and Science Embraced: How a Religion Actively Teaches and Utilizes Alternative Religious and Scientific Knowledge Without Conflicting Interpretations Arising. Department of Sociology.
Mowat, Victoria R. 2011. M.A. Who Joins the Canadian Forces? Developing a Framework for Analysis Using Bourdieu, Habermas, and Giddens. Department of Sociology.
She, Qianru. 2011. M.A. International Student Mobility and Highly Skilled Migration: A Comparative Study of Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Department of Sociology.
Di, Jin. 2009. M.A. Resource Allocation and Hukou Status Conversion. (co-supervised with Hongbo Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong University). Department of Sociology.
Daschuk, Mitch. 2009. M.A. ‘It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Death Wish’: The Subcultural Power Dynamics and DiscursiveStruggles Responsible for the Emergence of the ‘Emo Kid’ Representational Folk-Devil. Department of Sociology.
Doherty, Jason. 2009. Ph.D. Globalizing Imperatives and Teaching in a Cross Cultural Context: Teachers’ Work in Aboriginal Communities Located in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Livingston, Andrew. 2008. M.A. Disabiltiy Policy and Practice at the University of Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Lahiji, Artin. 2008. M.A. Critical Media Education: Youth Media Production as a Space of Creativity for Lifelong Learning. Interdisciplinary Studies.
Evitts, Trina. 2007. M.A.. Mandating Inclusion: The Paradox of Community Schooling in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Rathbone, Andrew. 2004. M.A. non-thesis. Narrative and Knowing: Narrative Education in the University. Department of Sociology.
LaPointe, Beverly. 2003. M.A. Conflicting Role and Work Expectations for Secondary School Counsellors. Department of Sociology.
Butler, Joanne. 2003. Ph.D. Tools with no Warranty: The State Promotion of Entrepreneurship Training in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Martin, Judith. 2003. Ph.D. Critical Reflection on Work/Family Issues in Saskatchewan and Canada: The Case for Caring with Equality. Department of Sociology.
Lanceley-Barrie, Darlene. 2001. M.A. The Devolution of Post Secondary Student Support Program to First Nations: I Am Not the Right Kind of Indian. Department of Sociology.
Butler, Joanne L. 1998. M.A. The Transition from School to Work in the Age of Globalization: A Southwest Saskatchewan Youth Perspective. Department of Sociology.
Shearer, Kevin. 1998. M.A. State Management of Youth Unemployment in a Changing Canadian Labour Market. Department of Sociology.
Wilson, Jack. 1998. M.A. A Sociological Analysis of Bill C-31 Legislation. Department of Sociology.
Cunningham, Rob. 1997. M.A. Community Development at the Department of Indian Affairs in the 1960’s: Much Ado About Nothing. Department of Sociology.
Rogstad, Mark. 1996. M.A. Discourse, Defence, and Disposition: A Study of Legal Representation in Saskatoon Youth Docket Court. Department of Sociology.
Skea, Warren H. 1993. M.A. Hegemony and the Canadian Newspaper Industry's Portrayal of the Oka Crisis. Department of Sociology.
Woodward, Shaleen P. 1992. M.A. Displaced Workers in a Changing Economy. Department of Sociology.
Yyelland, Byradley. 1992. M.A. Emotional Labour in Nursing: Constraints upon Saskatoon Nurses. Department of Sociology.
Indigenous-settler Relations Social Policy and Inequality Sociology of Education Work and Labour Markets
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. The Sociology of Education in Canada: Critical Perspectives, 5th edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press. (First edition published by Oxford University Press in 1998; subsequent editions published in 2004, 2009, and 2014).
Terry Wotherspoon and Bernard Schissel. 2003. The Legacy of School for Aboriginal People: Education, Oppression, and Emancipation. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Vic Satzewich and Terry Wotherspoon. 2000. First Nations: Race, Class, and Gender Relations. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center [with new introduction – originally published with Nelson Canada].
Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth, editors. 1995. Multicultural Education in a Changing Global Economy: Canada and the Netherlands. Münster/New York: Waxmann.
Terry Wotherspoon, editor. 1991. Hitting the Books: The Politics of Educational Retrenchment. Toronto and Saskatoon: Garamond Press and Social Research Unit.
Terry Wotherspoon, editor. 1987. The Political Economy of Canadian Schooling. Toronto: Methuen.
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2024. The Role of Cultural Supports for Indigenous Students: Spaces for and Impediments to Decolonizing Education. Race, Ethnicity, and Education [online first].
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2023. “Public Perspectives on Curriculum Reform for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 23(1), 29-48.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2023. “‘Success is different in our eyes’: reconciling definitions of educational success among Indigenous families and education systems in Alberta, Canada.” Critical Studies in Education. DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2023.2173266
Wotherspoon, Terry. 2023. "International Students: Mobility and Resettlement," in Min Zhou and Hasan Mahmud (eds.), Beyond Economic Migration: Social, Historical and Political Factors in US Immigration. New York: New York University Press, 213-245
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2023. "Transforming Education: What Are Schools Doing to Advance Decolonization?" in Johanne Jean-Pierre, Vanessa Watts, Carl E. James, Patrizia Albanese, Xiaobei Chen, and Michael Graydon (eds.), Reading Sociology: Unsettling a Settler Colonial Project & Re/writing Sociological Narratives. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 223-228.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2023. "Student, Parent, and Teacher Perspectives on Reconciliation-Related School Reforms." Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 17(1), 54-67.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2022. "Cosmopolitanism and Decolonization: Contradictory Perspectives on School Reform to Advance Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples." International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity 10(1&2), 45-58.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2022. “Exploring Definitions of Indigenous Student Success,” in Monica Hwang, Edward Grabb, and Jeffrey Reitz, editors, Social Inequality in Canada: Dimensions of Disadvantage, 7th edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 117-130.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2021. "'Errors Were Made': Public Attitudes Regarding Reconciliation and Education in Canada." Canadian Review of Sociology 58(3): 306-326.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2020. "Educational Reform and Reconciliation: Contested Public Discourses." Canadian Public Policy 46(4): 445-457.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2020. "Seeking to Improve Student Success by Building Connections Between Indigenous Parents and Schools: A Case Study in Alberta, Canada," in Carol A. Mullen, editor, Handbook of Social Justice Interventions in Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Wotherspoon, Terry. 2020. "Reconciliation and Decolonization: Challenges for Committing Sociology in a Connected World," in Sari Hanafi and Chin-Chun Yi, editors, Sociologies in Dialogue. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 241-263.
Wotherspoon, Terry and Emily Milne. 2020. "What Do Indigenous Education Policy Frameworks Reveal about Commitments to Reconciliation in Canadian School Systems?" The International Indigenous Policy Journal 11(1).
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2020. "Schools as 'Really Dangerous Places' for Indigenous Children and Youth: Schools, Child Welfare, and Contemporary Challenges to Reconciliation." Canadian Review of Sociology 57(1): 34-52.
Wotherspoon, Terry. 2020. "Access to Secondary Education in Canada," in Rachel Heydon, Maria Teresa Tatto, and Ian Menter, editors, Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. DOI: 10.5040/9781350996274.0028.
Milne, Emily and Terry Wotherspoon. 2019. "'Alignment-Plus': Alignment with Schooling Requirements and Cultural-Bridging among Indigenous Middle-Class Parents." British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(1): 127-143. DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2019.1668749.
Wotherspoon, Terry and John Hansen. 2019. "Racial Profiling and Reconciliation: The Quest for Indigenous Justice in Canada," in Bonnie Berry, editor, Physical Appearance and Crime. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 75-93.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. "Migration, Boundaries and Differentiated Citizenship: Contested Frameworks for Inclusion and Exclusion," Social Inclusion 6(3): 153-161.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. "Educational Reform, Indigenous Communities, and Teachers’ Changing Work Roles," in Motoko Akiba and Gerald K. LeTendre, editors, Routledge International Handbook of Teacher Quality and Policy. London: Routledge, 285-303.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2018. "Aboriginal Education in Canada: Opportunities and Barriers," in Patrizia Albanese, Lorne Tepperman and Emily Alexander, editors, Reading Sociology, 3rd edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 197-201.
Terry Wotherspoon and John Hansen. 2016. "Reflecting on Indigenous Teachings: Ecological Perspectives, Oil Sands Development and the Idle No More Movement," in Michael Hankard and John Charleton, editors, We Still Live Here: First Nations, the Alberta Oil Sands, and Surviving Globalism. Vernon, BC: Charleton Publishing, 155-169.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2016. "Higher Education Growth Amidst Uncertain Labour Markets in Canada and China" (published in Chinese), in Yanjie Bian and Li Zong, editors, Western China in Transition: Development and Social Governance. Beijing: Social Science Press, 152-169.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2016. "Indigenous Children and Social Inclusion in Canada, "in Vibha Sharma and Ashlie Brink, editors, Childhood Through the Looking Glass. Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2015. "Education," in Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese, editors, Sociology: A Canadian Perspective, 4th edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 340-367.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2015. "Knowledge and Salvation for a Troubled World: Sociology and the Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion," The American Sociologist 46(3): 373-413.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2015. "Formal and Informal Indigenous Education," in W. James Jacob, Sheng Yao Cheng and Maureen K. Porter, editors, Indigenous Education: Language, Culture and Identity. Dordrecht: Springer, 77-97.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2014. "Seeking Reform of Indigenous Education in Canada: Democratic Progress or Democratic Colonialism?" AlterNative 10(4): 323-339.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2014. "Emile Durkheim and the Sociology of Education in a Changing Social World," in Rakhmat Hidayat, The Sociology of Education of Emile Durkheim. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, xv-xxvi.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2014. "Native-Newcomer Relations: Reconfigurations of Saskatchewan's Diverse Social Landscapes," in Christine Ramsay and Randal Rogers, editors, Overlooking Saskatchewan: Minding the Gap. Regina: University of Regina Press, 217-238.
Terry Wotherspoon and John Hansen. 2013. "The ‘Idle No More’ Movement: Paradoxes of First Nations Inclusion in the Canadian Context," Social Inclusion 1(1): 121-136.
Qianru She and Terry Wotherspoon. 2013. "International Student Mobility and High Skilled Migration: A Comparative Study of Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom," SpringerPlus 2(1): 132-146.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2012. "Education and Class Relations: Canada's Indigenous People and the Knowledge Society," International Journal of Arts and Sciences 5(6): 415-435.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2011. "Triple Helix or Triple Jeopardy: The Social Dimensions of Changing Universities," in James Dzisah and Henry Etkowitz, editors. The Age of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Universities, Science and Society. Leiden, NL: Brill Studies in Critical Social Sciences series, 55-71.
Bernard Schissel and Terry Wotherspoon. 2010. “The Legacy of Residential Schools,” in Valerie Zawilski, editor. Inequality in Canada: A Reader on the Intersections of Gender, Race, and Class in Canada, 2nd edition. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 102-121.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2009. “Transformations in Canadian Nursing and Nurse Education,” in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickinson, editors. Health, Illness and Health Care in Canada, 4th ed. Scarborough, ON: Thompson Nelson, 99-121.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2008. “Balancing Global Challenges and Social Justice in Teachers’ Work: The Case of Aboriginal Education in Canada,” in Shannon A. Moore and Richard C. Mitchell, editors. Power, Pedagogy and Praxis: Social Justice in the Globalized Classroom. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 149-164.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2008. “Teachers’ Work Intensification and Educational Contradictions in Aboriginal Communities,” Canadian Review of Sociology 45(4): 385-414.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2007. “Incorporation of Aboriginal Labour,” in Sean Hier and B. Singh Bolaria, editors, Race and Racism in 21st Century Canada: Continuity, Complexity, and Change. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 131-150.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2006. “Teachers’ Work in Canadian Aboriginal Communities,” Comparative Education Review 50(4): 672-694.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2005. “The Boundaries of Public Education in the Knowledge-Based Economy,” in Bruce Ravelli, editor. Exploring Canadian Sociology: A Reader. Toronto: Pearson, 187-198.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2003. “Aboriginal People, Public Policy, and Social Differentiation in Canada,” in Danielle Juteau, editor. Social Differentiation: Patterns and Processes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 155-204 [also published as “Les Autochtones, les politiques socials et la differentiation sociale au Canada,” dans Danielle Juteau, dir. La differentiation sociale: modèles et processus. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 155-203].
Terry Wotherspoon. 2003. “Prospects for a New Middle Class Among Urban Aboriginal People,” in David Newhouse and Evelyn Peters, editors. Not Strangers in these Parts: Urban Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: Policy Research Initiative, 147-165.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2002. “Nursing Education: Professionalism and Control,” in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickinson, editors. Health, Illness, and Health Care in Canada, 3rd revised edition. Toronto: Nelson Thompson, 82-101.
Terry Wotherspoon and Bernard Schissel. 2001. “The Business of Placing Canadian Children and Youth ‘At-Risk’,” Canadian Journal of Education 26(3): 321-339.
Terry Wotherspoon and Bernard Schissel, 2000. “Marginalization, Decolonization and Voice: Prospects for Aboriginal Education in Canada,” in Yves Lenoir, William Hunter, Douglas Hodgkinson, Patrice de Broucker, and André Dolbec, editors. A Pan-Canadian Education Research Agenda. Ottawa: Canadian Society for Studies in Education, 193-214.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2000. “Transforming Canada’s Education System: The Impact on Educational Inequalities, Opportunities, and Benefits,” in B. Singh Bolaria, editor. Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society, 3rd edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, 250-272.
B. Singh Bolaria and Terry Wotherspoon. 2000. “Income Inequality, Poverty and Hunger,” in B. Singh Bolaria, editor. Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society, 3rd edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, 73-90.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1999. “The Incorporation of Public School Teachers into the Industrial Order: British Columbia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century,” in Pat Armstrong and M. Patricia Connelly, editors, Feminism, Political Economy and the State: Contested Terrain. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 23-56 [version of article originally published in 1993 in Labour/Le Travail (Spring) 31: 75-110].
Terry Wotherspoon. 1999. “Towards Meaningful Analysis of Educational Practices and Possibilities: Response to Richard Heyman,” Studies in Philosophy and Education, 18: 457-460.
Terry Wotherspoon and Joanne Butler. 1999. “The Contributions of Education and Work to Sustainability and Well-Being in Changing Rural Communities,” Health and Canadian Society 5(2): 245-262.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1998. “Education, Place, and the Sustainability of Rural Communities in Saskatchewan,” Journal of Research in Rural Education 14(3): 131-141.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1996. “The Hidden Curriculum,” in Bernard Schissel and Linda Mahood, editors, Social Control in Canada: Issues in the Social Construction of Deviance. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 335-351.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. “Occupational Divisions and Struggles for Unity Among British Columbia’s Public School Teachers,” B.C. Studies (Autumn) 107: 30-59.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. “The Incorporation of Public School Teachers into the Industrial Order: British Columbia in the First Half of the Twentieth Century,” Studies in Political Economy (Spring) 46: 119-151.
Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth. 1995. “Multiculturalism and Education in Changing Political Economies,” in Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth, editors. Multicultural Education in a Changing Global Economy: Canada and the Netherlands, 1-22.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. “Multiculturalism and the Management of Race and Ethnic Relations in Canadian Schooling,” in Terry Wotherspoon and Paul Jungbluth, editors. Multicultural Education in a Changing Global Economy: Canada and the Netherlands, 41-60.
B. Singh Bolaria, Harley D. Dickinson and Terry Wotherspoon. 1995. “Rural Issues and Problems,” in B. Singh Bolaria, editor. Social Issues and Contradictions in Canadian Society, 2nd edition. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Canada, 419-443.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1994. “Families and Labour Reproduction,” in Peter S. Li and B. Singh Bolaria, editors. Essentials of Contemporary Sociology. Toronto: Copp Clark Longman, 168-194.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1994. “Colonization, Self-Determination, and the Health of Canada's First Nations People. In B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Bolaria, editors. Racial Minorities, Medicine, and Health. Toronto: Fernwood Books, 247-267.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1994. “The Impact of Health Care De-Institutionalization on the Organization and Delivery of Nursing Services,” in B. Singh Bolaria and Rosemary Bolaria, editors. Women, Medicine and Health. Toronto: Fernwood Books, 253-268.
Harley D. Dickinson and Terry Wotherspoon. 1992. “From Assimilation to Self Government: Towards a Political Economy of Canada's Aboriginal Policies,” in Vic Satzewich, editor. Deconstructing a Nation: Immigration, Multiculturalism and Racism in 90's Canada. Halifax and Saskatoon: Fernwood Publishing Social Research Unit, 405-421.
Wotherspoon, Terry. 1991. "State Regulation of Teacher Immigration to Canada," in Roberto Cipriani, editor. The Annals (New Series II). Rome, Italy: International Institute of Sociology: 131-154.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1991. “Indian Control or Controlling Indians? Barriers to the Occupational and Educational Advancement of Canada's Native Peoples,” in Terry Wotherspoon, editor. Hitting the Books: The Politics of Educational Retrenchment. Toronto and Saskatoon: Garamond Press and Social Research Unit, 249-273.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1991. “Educational Reorganization and Retrenchment,” in Terry Wotherspoon, editor. Hitting the Books: The Politics of Educational Retrenchment. Toronto: Garamond Press, 15-34.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1988. “Training and Containing Nurses: The Development of Nursing Education in Canada,” in B. Singh Bolaria and Harley D. Dickinson, editors. Sociology of Health Care in Canada. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 375-392.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1987. “Conflict and Crisis in Canadian Education,” in Terry Wotherspoon, editor. The Political Economy of Canadian Schooling. Toronto: Methuen, 1-15.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1986. “Prison Education and Fiscal Crisis,” in Brian D. MacLean, editor. The Political Economy of Crime. Scarborough: Prentice Hall, 166-176.
Terry Wotherspoon. 1984. “Ideals and Sausage Factories: Schools in Capitalist Society,” in John A. Fry, editor. Contradictions in Canadian Society. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons, 207-218.
Other Articles and Research Reports:
Terry Wotherspoon. 2021. Negotiating the Boundaries of Sociological Knowledge and Practice: Ann Denis’s Contributions to Canadian and Global Sociology. Canadian Review of Sociology 58(1), 125-127. doi:
T. Keatings, C. Down, J. Garcea, L, Zong, M. Huq, P. Grant, and T. Wotherspoon. 2012. Taking the Pulse of Saskatchewan 2012: Immigration and Diversity in Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, SK: Social Sciences Research Laboratories, University of Saskatchewan.
Tom Carter, Tracey Derwing, Linda Ogilvie, and Terry Wotherspoon, 2009. “Introduction - Our Diverse Cities: The Prairies - Frontiers of Migration,” in Our Diverse Cities 6 (Spring), 3-7.
Tom Carter, Tracey Derwing, Linda Ogilvie, and Terry Wotherspoon, guest editors. 2009. Our Diverse Cities 6, Spring, special edition on Prairie Region.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2007. “Teaching for Equity? What Teachers Say About their Work in Aboriginal Communities,” Education Canada, Fall, 47(4), 64-68.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2007. The Challenge to Maintain a Strong Public Education System in Saskatchewan. Regina: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Saskatchewan Office, October.
Terry Wotherspoon, Bernard Schissel and Trina Evitts, with Joanne Butler and Jason Doherty and support from Barbara Young and Pat Erhardt. 2006. Community Schools Data Collection Project Provincial Report. Regina: Saskatchewan Learning, January.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2004. “Education as Public Place and Inclusive Space,” Education Canada, Winter, 44(1), 12-15; 51.
Terry Wotherspoon. 2002. The Dynamics of Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Public Education in Canada. Laidlaw Foundation Initiative on Social Inclusion, June.
Teaching & Supervision
Social Policy Social Theory Sociology of Education
Current Teaching - Core Courses:
SOC 840.6 – Advanced Theory
SOC 233.3 – Introduction to Sociological Theory
SOC 426/826 – Seminar on Social Policy
Thesis Supervision in Progress:
Abdul-Shakuru, Mohammed, Ph.D., Sociology (Education and disability policy)
Boily, Meaghan, M.A., Sociology (Sociology of education and inequality)
Theses Supervised (Completed):
Abban, Isaac. M.A. project. Exploring Power Relations among Children with Disabilities in Ghana’s Inclusive Educational Framework: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Department of Sociology.
Gao, Yuchen, 2022. Ph.D. How Do Medical Students Learn Professionalism and Develop Professional Identities? An Institutional Ethnography of the Curriculum at One Medical School. Department of Sociology.
Gomez, Luz. 2021. M.A. project. Decolonizing the Negotiation of Qu’appelle or Treaty 4 For Reconciliation: A Review of Literature Analyzed Through the Interconnection Between Biopower and Symbolic Violence. Department of Sociology.
Li, Yiyan. 2020. Ph.D. Gender Representation in Chinese Political News Coverage of Corruption. Department of Sociology.
Jean, Jason. 2018. Ph.D. Challenging Scientific Hegemony: The Counter-Hegemony of Saskatoon Creationists. Department of Sociology.
Carlberg, Courtney. 2018. M.A. Analysing the Social, Political and Economic Factors Impacting the Growth of Licensed Child Care in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Richman-Monar, Trina. 2017. Ph.D. (co-supervisor with A. Taylor, UBC). Loudness and Pizzazz: Ethics and the Performative Ethos in a Research-Intensive University. Department of Sociology.
Fung, Ka Yi. 2017. Ph.D. Social Networks and Academic Failure: A Case Study of Rural Students in China. Department of Sociology.
Daschuk, Mitch. 2016. Ph.D. The Decline of Western Counter-Hegemony: Identity, Ideological Conflict and the Field of Punk Rock Artistic Production. Department of Sociology.
Gao, Yuchen. 2015. M.A. Hidden Curriculum and Students' Development of Professionalism in Medical Education. Department of Sociology.
Lahiji, Artin. 2015. Ph.D. Teachers' Perspectives on Media Educational Practices in Elementary School Classrooms. Interdisiplinary Studies.
Yamaguchi, Kenichi. 2014. Ph.D. Post-War Governance in Okinawa: Normalizing U.S. Military Exceptionalism. Department of Sociology.
Di, Jin. 2014. Ph.D. Institution and Inequality in Transitional Urban China: Earnings and Employment of Migrants and Non-Migrants. Department of Sociology.
Lu, Yixi. 2012. Ph.D. Life Transition in Social Transformation: University Students’ Experiences, Aspirations and Achievements in China. Department of Sociology.
Jean, Jason. 2011. M.A. Religion and Science Embraced: How a Religion Actively Teaches and Utilizes Alternative Religious and Scientific Knowledge Without Conflicting Interpretations Arising. Department of Sociology.
Mowat, Victoria R. 2011. M.A. Who Joins the Canadian Forces? Developing a Framework for Analysis Using Bourdieu, Habermas, and Giddens. Department of Sociology.
She, Qianru. 2011. M.A. International Student Mobility and Highly Skilled Migration: A Comparative Study of Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Department of Sociology.
Di, Jin. 2009. M.A. Resource Allocation and Hukou Status Conversion. (co-supervised with Hongbo Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong University). Department of Sociology.
Daschuk, Mitch. 2009. M.A. ‘It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Death Wish’: The Subcultural Power Dynamics and DiscursiveStruggles Responsible for the Emergence of the ‘Emo Kid’ Representational Folk-Devil. Department of Sociology.
Doherty, Jason. 2009. Ph.D. Globalizing Imperatives and Teaching in a Cross Cultural Context: Teachers’ Work in Aboriginal Communities Located in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Livingston, Andrew. 2008. M.A. Disabiltiy Policy and Practice at the University of Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Lahiji, Artin. 2008. M.A. Critical Media Education: Youth Media Production as a Space of Creativity for Lifelong Learning. Interdisciplinary Studies.
Evitts, Trina. 2007. M.A.. Mandating Inclusion: The Paradox of Community Schooling in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Rathbone, Andrew. 2004. M.A. non-thesis. Narrative and Knowing: Narrative Education in the University. Department of Sociology.
LaPointe, Beverly. 2003. M.A. Conflicting Role and Work Expectations for Secondary School Counsellors. Department of Sociology.
Butler, Joanne. 2003. Ph.D. Tools with no Warranty: The State Promotion of Entrepreneurship Training in Saskatchewan. Department of Sociology.
Martin, Judith. 2003. Ph.D. Critical Reflection on Work/Family Issues in Saskatchewan and Canada: The Case for Caring with Equality. Department of Sociology.
Lanceley-Barrie, Darlene. 2001. M.A. The Devolution of Post Secondary Student Support Program to First Nations: I Am Not the Right Kind of Indian. Department of Sociology.
Butler, Joanne L. 1998. M.A. The Transition from School to Work in the Age of Globalization: A Southwest Saskatchewan Youth Perspective. Department of Sociology.
Shearer, Kevin. 1998. M.A. State Management of Youth Unemployment in a Changing Canadian Labour Market. Department of Sociology.
Wilson, Jack. 1998. M.A. A Sociological Analysis of Bill C-31 Legislation. Department of Sociology.
Cunningham, Rob. 1997. M.A. Community Development at the Department of Indian Affairs in the 1960’s: Much Ado About Nothing. Department of Sociology.
Rogstad, Mark. 1996. M.A. Discourse, Defence, and Disposition: A Study of Legal Representation in Saskatoon Youth Docket Court. Department of Sociology.
Skea, Warren H. 1993. M.A. Hegemony and the Canadian Newspaper Industry's Portrayal of the Oka Crisis. Department of Sociology.
Woodward, Shaleen P. 1992. M.A. Displaced Workers in a Changing Economy. Department of Sociology.
Yyelland, Byradley. 1992. M.A. Emotional Labour in Nursing: Constraints upon Saskatoon Nurses. Department of Sociology.
Immigration Inclusion Indigenous-settler Relations Inequality Social Policy Sociology of Education Work and Labour Markets
Sociology of Education, Work & Labour Markets; Social Diversity, Inclusion and Inequality; Social Policy.
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Sociology of Education in Canada, 4th edition.
First Nations: Race, Class and Gender Relations (CPRC Press)
The Legacy of School for Aboriginal People (Oxford University Press)
The Sociology of Education in Canada (Oxford University Press)