Research Area(s)
- Intergroup relations
- Collective protest actions
- Credentialing issues of skilled immigrants
- Acculturation
- Ethnocentrism
ethnocentrism identity immigration intergroup relations needs assessment political protest program evaluation
Publication Summary
Some Sample publications
- Robertson, D. W. & Grant, P.R. (2023). Bicultural identity: A social identity review of the literature. Psicologia Sociale, 18(1), 65-90. doi: 10.1482/106550 (open access)
- Grant, P. R., & Smith, H. J. (2021). Activism in the time of COVID-19. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 24(2), 297–305. (open access)
- Abrams, D., Travaglino, G., Grant, P.R., Templeton, A., Bennett, M., & Lalot, F. (2020). Mobilizing IDEAS in the Scottish referendum: Predicting voting intention and well being with the Identity-Deprivation-Efficacy-Action-Subjective well-being model.. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59: 425-446. (open access)
- Grant, P. R. & Robertson, D. W. (2018). The nature of Canadian identity in the context of multiculturalism: A social psychological perspective. In L. Wong & S. Guo (Eds.), Immigration, Racial and Ethnic Studies in 150 years of Canada. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Grant, P. R., Bennett, M., & Abrams, D. (2017). Using the SIRDE Model of Social Change to Examine the Vote of Scottish Teenagers in the 2014 Independence Referendum. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56, 455-474.
- Grant, P R. (2016). “Canadian, Eh?” An examination of the multidimensional structure and functions of the national identity of immigrants and of those raised in Canada. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 48(1), 45-75.
- Robertson, D. W. & Grant, P. R. (2016). Immigrant entrepreneurship from a social psychological perspective. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46, 394-409.
- Grant, P. R., Abrams, D., Robertson, D. W. & Garay, J. (2015). Predicting protests by disadvantaged skilled immigrants: A test of an integrated social identity, relative deprivation, collective efficacy (SIRDE) model. Social Justice Research, 28(1), 76-101. DOI: 10.1007/s11211-014-0229-z
- Grant, P. R. & Robertson, D. W. (2014). Predicting Immigrants’ attitudes toward multiculturalism using a measure of its perceived benefits. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36(3), 209-220. DOI:10.1080/01973533.2014.890622
- Abrams, D. & Grant, P.R. (2012). Testing the social identity – relative deprivation (SIRD) model of social change: The political rise of Scottish nationalism. British Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 674-689. DOI: 10.1111/j.2044-8309.2011.02032.x . (open access).
Recent Technical Reports
- Kotrcova, J. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2011). An Outcome Evaluation of the Mentorship Project. A final report submitted to the Saskatchewan Intercultural Association, Saskatoon, SK (53 pages).
- Kotrcova, J. & Grant, P. R. (September, 2010). Aspiring and Existing Immigrant Women Entrepreneurs in Saskatchewan: An Initial Needs Assessment. A Report to the Immigrant Services Division, Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment, and Labour, Government of Saskatchewan. (35 pages).
- Robertson, D., Gajadhar, A., & Grant, P. R. (September 2010). Understanding the Experiences of Immigrant Entrepreneurs to Foster Innovation and Business Development in Saskatchewan. A Report to the Immigrant Services Division, Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment, and Labour, Government of Saskatchewan. (22 pages).
- Shynkaruk, J. M. & Grant, P. R. (2008). Client Satisfaction with the Literacy to Pre-Employment Program at the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre. A final report to the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre, Saskatoon, SK (72 pages).
- Calvez, S. S. & Grant, P. R. (February, 2007). A Process Evaluation of the Program Advisor Component of the Aboriginal Student Achievement Model. A report presented to the Aboriginal Student Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK (72 pages).
- Calvez, S. S. & Grant, P. R. (August, 2006). An Evaluability Assessment of the Academic First Year Transition Programs offered by The Aboriginal Student Centre of the University of Saskatchewan. A report presented to the Aboriginal Student Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK (46 pages).
- Nadin, S. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2006). A Process Evaluation of the Steering Committee Component of the Saskatoon Urban Aboriginal Strategy. A final report presented to the Steering committee of the Saskatoon Urban Aboriginal Strategy and Service Canada, Saskatoon, SK. (34 pages).
- Nadin, S. & Grant, P. R. (September, 2005). A Formative Evaluation of a Work Readiness Program for Skilled Immigrants and Refugees. A final report presented to the Saskatchewan Intercultural Association, Saskatoon, SK (39 pages).
- Parhar, K. & Grant, P. R. (August, 2002). Evaluation of the Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service: Persons with a Housing Crisis. A report presented to the Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service, Saskatoon, SK. (42 pages).
- Turriff, S. & Grant, P. R. (August 2001). Citizenshipand Immigration Canada, Prairies/NT Region, Settlement Area: Policy and Procedural Review of Local CIC Offices. A report presented to the regional headquarters of CIC, Winnipeg, Manitoba.(148 Pages)
- Plett Martens, V. & Grant, P. R. (July, 2000). An Extension of the Needs Assessment of International Students Wives at the University of Saskatchewan. A Report to the International Student Advisor’s Office, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. (18 pages)
- Clark, J. & Grant, P. R. (March, 2000). An Outcome Evaluation of "Work It Out - Talk It Out": An Anger Management/Social Skills Program. A Report to the Prince Albert Mental Health Centre, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (55 pages).
Recent Conference Papers
- Grant, P. R. & Robertson, D. W. (June, 2024). A Test of the Social Identity, Relative Deprivation, Efficacy (SIRDE) Model of Social change using Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modelling. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Society, Ottawa.
- Robertson, D. W. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2024). The Development of a Reliable and Valid Multi-Dimensional Canadian Identity Scale. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Society, Ottawa.
- O’Connell, M. E., Grant, P. R., McLean, M., Griffith, L., Kirkland, S., Wolfson, C., & Raina, P., (July, 2018). Measurement Invariance of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale 10-Item Short Form (CES-D-10) in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging [Abstract]. Poster presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Grant, P. R. (September, 2016). The Development of a Separatist Ideology and the Support for Separatism: Insights from the SIRDE Model of Social Change. A paper presented at British Psychological Society (Social Psychology Section) Annual Conference, Cardiff, Wales.
- Grant, P. R., Bennett, M. & Abrams, D. (September, 2015). Why did Scottish teenagers vote for Scotland’s independence? A social psychological explanation using the SIRDE model of social change. A paper presented at the joint Social and Developmental sections conference of the British Psychological Society, Manchester, U.K.
- Grant, P. R., Garay, J., Robertson, D. W., & Nadin, S. (November, 2014). The Credentialing Problems of Skilled, Foreign-trained Immigrants Living in Western Canada: Comparing Community Samples from 2005 and 2010. A paper presented at the International Metropolis Conference, Milan, Italy.
- Grant, P. R. (September, 2014). The multidimensional national identity of Canadian immigrants as a shared social representation. A paper presented at the British Psychological Society (Social Psychology Section) Annual Conference, Canterbury Christ Church, Canterbury, U.K.
- Grant, P. R. (March 2013). The Canadian Identity of Recent Migrants to Canada: It's Nature and the Functions That It Serves. A paper presented at the inaugural meeting of the Western Consortium on Integration, Citizenship and Cohesion (WCICC), Calgary. Alberta.
- Grant, P. R., Robertson, D., Garay, J., & Nadin, S. (November, 2011). Are the Difficulties Faced by Immigrants with Ongoing Credentialing Problems Lessening? Comparing 2005 with 2010 using Community Samples from a Prairie City. A poster presented at the Prairie Metropolis Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Robertson, D. & Grant, P. R. (November, 2011). The Social Psychological Dimensions of Immigrant Entrepreneurship. A poster presented at the Prairie Metropolis Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Kotrcova, J. & Grant, P. R. (November, 2011). A needs Assessment of Immigrant Women Starting Businesses in Saskatchewan, a Mid-Western Canadian province. A poster presented at the AEA Conference, Anaheim, California.
- Kotrcova, J. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2011). Psychological barriers to labour market integration of immigrant women. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Totonto.
- Grant, P. R. (April, 2011). Examining the Nature and Functions of a New National Identity: Comparing Recent Immigrants to Canada with the Native-Born. A paper resented at the second Conference on Social Psychology in Ireland, University og Limerick, Limerick City, Ireland.
- Grant, P. R. & Abrams, D. (July, 2009). Using Social Identity Theory and Relative Deprivation Theory to Explain Social Protest: Two Tests of an Integrated Model. A paper presented at the European Association of Social Psychologists’ meeting entitled, “Collective Action and Social Change”, University of Groningen, Holland.
- Gajadhar, A. J. A. & Grant, P. R. (June 2009). Analysis of Stereotypic Imaging in Advertisements and Pin-up Pictures in Lad and Women’s Fashion Magazines. A poster presented at CPA, Montreal.
- Nadin, S. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2009). Does Identity Predict Citizenship?: Psychological Acculturation and Asian Immigrants’ Intentions to Acquire Canadian Citizenship. A poster presented at CPA, Montreal.
- Calvez, S. S. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2008). Designing a culturally sensitive evaluation when issues of culture and methodology collide. A poster presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS.
- Grant, P. R. (June, 2008). Cultural Incompatibility as an Identity Threat to Recent Migrants: Toward a Social Identity Perspective on Psychological Acculturation. A paper presented at the 15th general meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychologists, Opatija, Croatia.
- Calvez, S. S. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2007). Evaluating the new Aboriginal student achievement model at the University of Saskatchewan. A symposium presentation at the Canadian Psychology Association’s 68th Annual Convention, Ottawa, Ontario.
- Calvez, S. S. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2007). Examining program advising and student monitoring components of the University of Saskatchewan’s Aboriginal first-year academic transition programs. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.
- Grant, P. R. & Calvez, S. S (May/June, 2007). The Nature of the Emergent Canadian Identity of Immigrants from Asia and Africa: Identification in the Face of Discrimination. A paper presented at the joint SPSSI-EAESP immigration conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- Grant, P. R. & Calvez, S. S. (March, 2007). The Canadian Identity of Asian and African Immigrant. A poster presented at the Ninth National Metropolis Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- Grant, P. R.& Nadin, S. (October, 2005). The Difficulties Faced by Immigrants Facing Ongoing Credentialing Problems: A Social Psychological Analysis. A paper presented at the Tenth International Metropolis Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
- Grant, P. R. (August, 2005). Integrating Social Identity Theory and Relative Deprivation Theory to Explain Social Protest: The Prediction of Protest Actions taken by Skilled Immigrants in Response to Credentialing Problems. The annual meeting of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Grant, P. R. (October, 2004). Cultural Identity and Dealing with Discrimination: Challenges and Problems Faced by Immigrants from Asia and Africa. A paper presented at the Saskatchewan Node Workshop of the Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.
- Grant, P. R. (September, 2004). How immigrants sustain a strong cultural identity in the face of cultural incompatibilities: The relationship between ingroup bias and strength of identification under threat.. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 13(1), 111 (abstract). A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Social Psychology division of the British Psychological Society, Liverpool, England.
- Millard, J. E. & Grant, P. R. (June 2004). The Stereotyping of Black and White Models in Magazine Fashion Spreads and Advertisements and the Influence of the Model's Immigration Status on these Stereotypes. A paper presented at the POPular Culture Conference organized by the Women's Studies Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Grant, P. R. (May, 2004). Developing Recommendations for an Evaluation Design from a Program Logic Model: Evaluability Assessment Revisited. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Grant, P. R. & Lawson, K. (May 2004). The Applied Social Psychology Program at the University of Saskatchewan: Advanced Training for Action Researchers.A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
- Parhar, K. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2003). Evaluation of a rural crisis intervention service: Persons with a housing crisis. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Vancouver.
- Robertson, T. & Grant, P. R. (June, 2003). A formative evaluation of a second language acquisition program for immigrant children. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Vancouver.
- Grant, P. R., McMullen, L. M., & Noels, K. A. (March, 2003). Acculturation as Participation versus Acculturation as Identification: A comparative Analysis of First and Second Generation Immigrants from Asia and Africa. A paper presented at the Sixth National Metropolis Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
- Grant, P. R. McMullen, L. M. & Noels, K. A. (July, 2001). The Content and functions of Canadian and Cultural Identities Expressed by First Generation Immigrants. A poster presented at the Seventh European Congress of Psychology, London, England. Book of Abstracts, 132
- Clatney, L. & Grant, P. R. (May, 2001). A Directory of Respite Services for Informal Caregivers. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Banff, Alberta.
- L'Heureux, L. & Grant, P. R. (May, 2001). Compiling an Inventory of Diversity Initiatives at the University of Saskatchewan. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Banff, Alberta.
- Millard, J. & Grant, P. R. (June 2001). Stereotypes of Women in Magazines: Content Analysis of Advertisements and Fashion Photographs. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City.
- Burgess, L. & Grant, P. R. (May, 2000). Program Evaluation in a Field-Based Environment: A Modified Evaluability Assessment and Process Evaluation of an At-Risk Youth and Child Prostitute Street Outreach Program. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Evaluation Society, Montreal.
acculturation deprivation foreign credentialing issues group protests identity immigration intergroup relations nationalism stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
My research is in the field of intergroup relations. Most of my recent work has used Social Identity theory and Relative Deprivation theory to study:
- the credentialing problems of recent skilled immigrants as they try to enter the Canadian labour force
- how recent immigrants from Asia and Africa acculturate to Canada and develop a strong Canadian identity often in the face of discrimination
- nationalism and involvement in collective action for social change