Picture of Kirsten J. Fisher

Kirsten J. Fisher Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Graduate Supervisor in Political Studies
Faculty Member in Political Studies

Arts 281

About me

Kirsten J. Fisher is an Associate Professor in Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. Operating across traditional disciplines and subfields, she works on issues of global governance and human rights, international criminal law, politics and the International Criminal Court (ICC), justice after atrocity, and post-conflict social reconstruction, particularly in Africa.

She is the author of Transitional Justice for Child Soldiers (Palgrave 2013) and Moral Accountability and International Criminal Law (Routledge 2012), and is the co-editor/co-author of Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring (Routledge 2014). Her articles have appeared in journals including International Criminal Law Review, Contemporary Political Theory, Journal of Modern African Studies, Finnish Yearbook of International Law, and Journal of International Political Theory.

Much of her work is informed by field research conducted in northern Uganda, where communities are still grappling with how to achieve post-conflict and social justice in the aftermath of two decades of conflict and atrocity.

Prior to coming to the University of Saskatchewan, Dr. Fisher held research positions in the Department of Political Science at McGill University, the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research at the University of Helsinki, and the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa. 

Funding for her research, over different periods, has been generously provided by the Canadian Consortium on Human Security (CCHS), the Human Security Program of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), the Academy of Finland, the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Follow on Twitter:  @kirstenfisher



Fisher, Kirsten J. and Mark A. Drumbl. Eds. (forthcoming) Transitional Justice Boundaries, Innovations, and Refractions. (Routledge).

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Caitlin Mollica. Eds. (forthcoming) Parents, Children, and the Ripples of Transitional Justice. (Bristol University Press). 

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Robert Stewart. Eds. (2014) Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring. (London: Routledge). Book Series: Transitional Justice. Series Editor: Kieran McEvoy.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2013) Transitional Justice for Child Soldiers: Accountability and Social  Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Contexts. (London: Palgrave Macmillan) Book Series: Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies. Series Editor: Oliver Richmond.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2012). Moral Accountability and International Criminal Law: Holding Agents of Atrocity Accountable to the World. (London: Routledge) (Paperback 2013) 

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2024) "The Barlonyo Massacre, Ongwen’s Trial, and ICC Reparations: Reflections on the Dynamics of Expectations and Disappointment" Journal of International Criminal Justice. Open access. Barlonyo Massacre, Ongwen’s Trial, and ICC Reparations: Reflections on the Dynamics of Expectations and Disappointment | Journal of International Criminal Justice | Oxford Academic (oup.com)

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2022) "The Expressive Value of Prosecuting Aged Defendants: A Rebuke of Ageism." International Criminal Law Review. (Special Issue on the Aesthetics of Prosecuting Aged Defendants, edited by Mark Drumbl and Caroline Fournet) 22(1-2), 63-85. 

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2020), “The Problem with the Crime of Forced Migration as a Loophole to ICC Jurisdiction: the PTC’s decision on Myanmar and the risk to vulnerable populations.” Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies. 2(2): 385-409.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2020). "Messages from the Expressive Nature of ICC Reparations: Complex-Victims in Complex Contexts and the Trust Fund for Victims". International Criminal Law Review. 20(2): 318-345.  

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2020) "Defining a Relationship between Transitional Justice and Jus Post Bellum: A Call and an Opportunity for Post-Conflict Justice." Journal of International Political Theory. 16(3): 287-304.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2019). "International Criminal ‘Lawfare’ and its Potential Effects on Post-Conflict Positive Peace". International Criminal Law Review. 19(4): 724-745. 

FisherKirsten J. and Laszlo Sarkany (2019). "Canada, the International Criminal Court and the Intersection of International Politics and Finances". International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis. 74(2): 206-224. 

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Cristina G. Stefan (2019). "The ICC, R2P, and Canada's 'Return': Opportunity and Moral Duty in an Anti-Cosmopolitan Global Climate." Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights. 2. 3-19.  

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2018). "Africa’s Role in the Progression of International Criminal Justice: A Moral and Political Argument". Journal of Modern African Studies. 56(4): 541-568. 

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Cristina G. Stefan (2016). "The Ethics of International Criminal 'Lawfare'. " International Criminal Law Review. 16(2): 237-257.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2014) "Purpose-Based or Knowledge-Based Intention for Collective Wrongdoing in International Criminal Law?" International Journal of Law in Context. 10(2): (June) 163-176.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2010). "Identifying Liability: Ambiguous Charges in International Criminal Law." Finnish Yearbook of International Law. XIX. 127-156.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2009). "The Distinct Character of International Crime: Theorizing the Domain." Contemporary Political Theory. 8(1): (February) 44-67.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2006). "Rawls Revisited: Can International Criminal Law Exist?" Canadian Journal of Political Science. 39(2): (June) 407-420.

Book Chapters 

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2025) "Former Child Soldiers, Persistent Conceptions of Childhood, and the Long Road of Transitional Justice in Uganda". In C. Mollima, J. Barrett, M. Drumbl, and K. Hansen (eds) Children’s Fights: Commonalities and Differences Across Time, Space, and Place, Routledge.

 Fisher, Kirsten J. (2024) "Atrocity Prosecutions, Cultural Representation, and the Invisible Older Individual". In C. Fournet and and M. Drumbl (eds), Sights, Sounds and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions, Brill.

 Fisher, Kirsten J(2023) Justice, Democracy, and the Legitimacy of the International Criminal Court. In C. Jones, N. Hibbert, S. Lecce (eds), Justice, Rights, and Toleration: Essays for Richard Vernon, Queen’s-McGill University Press.

 Fisher, Kirsten J. and Cristina Stefan (2019). "Canada and the International Responsibilities to Protect and Prosecute in Cases of Mass Atrocity". In David McGrane and Neil Hibbert (eds), Contemporary Canadian Political Theory, Toronto, University of Toronto Press.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2014). "Selectivity, Legitimacy and the Application of Post-Arab Spring International Criminal Justice." in Kirsten J. Fisher and Robert Stewart eds. Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring.

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Robert Stewart. (2014). "After the Arab Spring: A New Wave of Transitional Justice?" in Kirsten J. Fisher and Robert Stewart eds. Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring.

Bachmann, Klaus, Robert Stewart, and Kirsten J. Fisher (2014) "Risks and Rewards: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe's Transitional Justice Experiences." in Kirsten J. Fisher and Robert Stewart eds. Transitional Justice and the Arab Spring.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2007). "Demanding Accountability: Judgment and Punishment in Ugandan ‘Restorative' Mechanisms." in Anita Singh and David McDonough eds. Defence to Development: Resolving Threats to Global Security. (Halifax: Centre For Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University). 163-196.

Invited Publications/ Non-Refereed Journal Articles/ Other

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2023) "Doing Justice to History Symposium: Expressivism and ‘The Struggle for Historical Justice’" Opinio Juris Doing Justice to History Symposium: Expressivism and “The Struggle for Historical Justice” - Opinio Juris

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Kathy Walker (2021) "Transitional Justice for Indigenous Peoples Should be a Key Federal Election Issue" The Conversation. Transitional justice for Indigenous Peoples should be a key federal election issue (theconversation.com)

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2021) "Can Justice in Kamloops Come Through the International Criminal Court?" Policy Options. Can justice in Kamloops come through the International Criminal Court? (irpp.org) 

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Laszlo Sarkany (2019). "International Criminal Court's Afghanistan Ruling Linked to Underfunding" Policy Options. https://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/may-2019/international-criminal-courts-afghanistan-ruling-linked-underfunding/

Fisher, Kirsten J. and Laszlo Sarkany (2018). "Canada Should Increase Support for International Criminal Court." Policy Options. 2018-10-25 http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/october-2018/canada-increase-support-international-criminal-court/  

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2017). “The Trouble with the First Implementation of the ICC's Reparations Mandate.” Invited Contribution to Oxford Transitional Justice Research outlet, JusticeInfo.net http://www.justiceinfo.net/en/component/k2/31883-congo-the-challenges-of-the-first-implementation-of-the-icc-s-reparations-mandate.html

Akello, Grace, Kirsten J. Fisher and Zoe Goldstein (2014). "Silenced: Psychosocial Interventions and Neglected Priorities in War-Torn Northern Uganda." Innovia Foundation Newsletter. Issue 22: (January) 5-10.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2013) "Libya, the ICC, and Securing Post-Conflict Justice." InvitedContribution to the Middle East-Asia Project's (MAP) Featured Essays on TransitionalJustice. Middle East Institute. http://www.mei.edu/ (December) http://www.mei.edu/content/libya-icc-and-securing-post-conflict-justice

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2012) "Distinctly Arab? Transitional Justice in the Middle East and North Africa." Contribution to Justice in Conflict. http://justiceinconflict.org/ (September)

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2011). "The Lost Generation? Youth of Northern Uganda." Helsinki Review of Global Governance. 2(2): (September) 59-62.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2011). "Interpreting Intention: Collective Wrongdoing and International Criminal Law." International Journal of Arts and Sciences. 4(3): (February) 101-111.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2010). "Meandering Along the ICL Path: Where Are We Headed?" Invited Forum Contribution: Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society. 2: 90-93.

Fisher, Kirsten J. (2007) "Demanding Accountability: Judgment, Punishment and Forgiveness in Ugandan Traditional Processes of Justice." Policy Brief: Canadian Consortium on Human Security. (February)


Africa International Criminal Court (ICC) child soldiers global governance human rights international criminal law post conflict social justice restorative justice retributive justice theories of punishment