Exhibition: Rethink Riversdale
Share your ideas about Riversdale at this interactive project by advanced urban design students
Rethink Riversdale
Advanced Urban Design
Sarah Adair, Astrid Nyame, Conor Britton, Russell Agnew
When: March 1 – 3, 2017
Reception: Friday March 3, 7 – 10pm
Where: Gordon Snelgrove Gallery, 191 Murray Bldg., U of S
Info: 306-966-4208 email: gordon.snelgrove@usask.ca
Students in Advanced Urban Design (PLAN 446) invite Saskatoon residents to participate in
their Public Engagement Week. This year the project site is Riversdale: an increasingly
thriving commercial and residential area. The gallery will be full of interactive displays for
information collection including: pedestrian path tracing, location mapping, timeline activities
and an interactive 3D model with props. Everyone is welcome to share opinions and ideas
about the project site.