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Highlights of rethink research include practical tips for writing and editing; Indigenous methodologies; simulating health care systems; applying crowdsourcing tools; and social networks and the mobile revolution.

rethink research: U of S Research Intensification Series

Learn about cutting-edge research programs and research methods, forge new connections with colleagues and intensify your research


Scheduled for Oct. 5-6, 2016, rethink research consists of keynote lectures, workshops and informal social events.

Over two days, you will discover multiple opportunities to learn from and interact with respected international research leaders within and beyond the social sciences. Learn about cutting-edge research programs and research methods, forge new connections with colleagues and intensify your research!

All lectures and workshops are free! Registration is not required for October 5 lectures, but is required for all October 6 workshops.

View event details and register for Oct. 6 workshops

Guest speakers

Jon Corbett, Associate Professor, Community, Culture and Global Studies and Director, SpICE Lab, University of British Columbia Okanagan

Theodore Eugene Day, Program Manager for Health Systems, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Margaret Kovach, Associate Professor, Educational Foundations & Educational Administration, University of Saskatchewan

Sally Thorne, Professor, School of Nursing and Associate Dean, Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia

Roger Tourangeau, Vice President and Associate Director, Westat

Barry Wellman, S.D. Clark Professor of Sociology (ret.), University of Toronto and Co-Director, NetLab Network

Frederick J. Wertz, Professor, Department of Psychology, Fordham University

Upcoming Events

MFA Exhibition: Aurora Wolfe

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Medieval Times with the Museum of Antiquities

Sep 21, 2024
Games, crafts, combat and sensational stories fit for the whole family

Insights and Experiences for Success in Tech for Visible Minority Women

Sep 25, 2024
This public lecture will feature speaker Samaneh Movassaghi in this Department of Computer Science Seminar Series


See all events