Lecture: Science at Vimy Ridge
Find out how technological breakthroughs led to the victory at Vimy Ridge.
Science and Vimy Ridge
An illustrated talk by: Don Gendzwill, Professor Emeritus, Geological Sciences
Victory at Vimy Ridge, a defining moment in the history of the young Canadian nation, depended on accurate control of heavy guns and machine guns, a well trained and practiced infantry and a precisely timed battle plan. How did technological breakthroughs influence this outcome? Professor Gendzwill's talk will look at the development of the technology that accurately controlled heavy artillery, the use of airborne photography for mapping in battle, sound ranging and flash spotting methods to pinpoint enemy cannons and gun locations, and the employment of novel methods to spy on enemy communications and tunnel digging.
7:30 PM, November 17, 2015
Neatby-Timlin Theatre, Arts 241 ( formerly Place Riel Theatre)
Arts Building, University of Saskatchewan
Free. Everyone is welcome.
Vimy Ridge in northern France, a heavily fortified German army stronghold since 1914, was thought to be impregnable after large French and British armies suffered heavy losses in 1915 and 1916 in attempts to re-capture it. Many of the losses were due to their own inaccurate artillery fire. During April 9–12, 1917, the Canadian Corps under Field Marshal Julian Byng and General Arthur Currie took Vimy Ridge, after extensive planning, preparations, and practice. Accurate control of heavy guns was important in the victory and technology was the key. German forces did not have similar technology despite efforts by a pioneer German seismologist, Ludwig Mintrop, to promote his ideas to the German generals.
World War I saw the first use of airborne photography for mapping in battle. The main use of the Sopwith Camel and other early aircraft was photography. Accurate topographic maps are needed for accurate artillery.
Counter Battery Officer Andrew McNaughton used early electronics equipment to perfect sound ranging and flash spotting methods to exactly locate and destroy enemy cannon on a map grid. McNaughton brought in famous British scientists, Bragg, Darwin, Bull and Canadian Harold Hemming to develop the technology on the battlefield. Sound ranging uses air waves, and flash spotting uses visual angles to triangulate on the gun locations. Source location technology predated modern computer methods for locating earthquakes.
Heavy guns were calibrated with electronics so they could hit enemy targets from map coordinates on the first shot, but artillery officer's culture had to change to accept the new technology. Wear on the gun barrel, topography, wind and weather had to be considered. A new design of fuses enabled artillery fire to cut barbed wire defenses allowing infantry to advance across No-Man's-Land. Geophones and electromagnetic sensors, novel methods at the time, were used to spy on enemy tunnel digging and communication.
Victory at Vimy Ridge depended on accurate control of heavy guns and machine guns, a well trained and practiced infantry, and a precisely timed battle plan. Most of the ridge was taken on the first day, April 9, with soldiers following a "Creeping Barrage", the heaviest bombardment in history. There were few Canadian casualties compared to French and British casualties over the preceding two years. The battle of Vimy Ridge was a defining moment in the history of the young Canadian nation.