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Dr. Anne James and Dr. Jeanne Shami examine a book of English sermon manuscripts at the U of R Archives. Photo: U of R Photography

Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Colloquium series

Searching for early modern sermons in the archives: An introduction to GEMMS


Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Colloquium series

Searching for early modern sermons in the archives: An introduction to GEMMS
by Jeanne Shami and Anne James, University of Regina

A short account of the history and development of the Gateway to Early Modern Manuscript Sermons (GEMMS), including an introduction to the website and a demonstration of the database’s search capabilities.

Thursday, Oct.19
4:30 pm
Room 200, St Thomas More College

For more information contact Yin Liu, CMRS Director (

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MFA Exhibition: Aurora Wolfe

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Medieval Times with the Museum of Antiquities

Sep 21, 2024
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Insights and Experiences for Success in Tech for Visible Minority Women

Sep 25, 2024
This public lecture will feature speaker Samaneh Movassaghi in this Department of Computer Science Seminar Series


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