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"Captain Smith and Pocahontas," United States Capitol

7 Nights of History: #MeToo: Pocahontas and the Long History of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

The darker details of settler colonial culture and an alternative version of the Pocahontas story


7 Nights of History: Each month, a U of S historian brings historical thinking to bear on a different problem to better understand the human condition. The public is encouraged to ask questions and join in discussion after each talk.

Wednesday, March 21
6:00 pm
Hose and Hydrant Brewing Company, 612 11th St. E.

#MeToo: Pocahontas and the Long History of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: This presentation highlights the tribal history of the Mattaponi to depict the darker details of settler colonial culture and an alternative version of the Pocahontas story. It connects modern movements like #MeToo with 400 years of misogyny in North America.

Upcoming Events

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Sep 21, 2024
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Insights and Experiences for Success in Tech for Visible Minority Women

Sep 25, 2024
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