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Local playwright/journalist Joel Bernbaum is the founding director of Sum Theatre.

Home is a Beautiful Word: A Talk by Joel Bernbaum

Join Joel Bernbaum, the founding director of Sum Theatre, for an informal artist's talk


During 2012-2014, local playwright/journalist Joel Bernbaum travelled to Victoria, B.C., and interviewed more than 500 people to create an enlightening, funny and moving theatrical portrait of homelessness told in the actual words of the housed, the homeless and those only "one paycheque away" from the street. Join Bernbaum, the founding director of Sum Theatre, for an informal artist's talk on his verbatim theatre training and practice in reference to his upcoming documentary play, Home Is a Beautiful Word.

A Talk by Joel Bernbaum

Date: Thursday, April 5, 2018
Time: 12 pm–1 pm
Location: South Studio (room 121), John Mitchell Building

Admission is free

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