Picture of  Giovina Bolla

Giovina Bolla Italian

Giovina teaches conversational Italian 1 and 2. Her students appreciate how she makes learning fun all the while giving great glimpses into and about Italian culture and traditions.

Giovina Bolla, a native Italian speaker from Italy, joined the Languages teaching corps in the Winter of 2017. Giovina teaches conversational Italian 1 and 2. Giovina's students appreciate how her classes focus on speaking and conversation, how she makes learning fun all the while giving great glimpses into and about Italian culture and traditions.

Giovina on teaching: I was born in Padua, Italy, and I have had the privilege of living and being educated in three countries: Italy, South America, and Canada. I speak Italian, Spanish, and some French, besides English. I view languages as portals to unlimited learning and understanding about the world, its people, countries, customs, religions and so much more. Teaching languages is an opportunity to pass on knowledge to enrich the mind. To teach is also to learn from one’s students. In these Italian lessons, I like to combine knowledge with support, participation, and last but not least fun. Enjoying a class contributes to learning.