Degree Programs

Most students in our graduate program are working towards MSc or PhD degrees in physics. However, students with a substantial engineering emphasis in their thesis research can be awarded MSc or PhD degrees in engineering physics.

After admission to our graduate program, a recommended course of study and research is prepared for the student. For a fully qualified candidate this usually consists of the following requirements.

MSc Requirements

  • 12 credit units (a 3 credit unit course has a duration of approximately 12 weeks) of courses, including Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics, and classes in their chosen specialty
  • Completion of a comprehensive examination within 12 months of entering our graduate program. The examination consists of an oral and written report reviewing the aspects of physics or engineering physics appropriate to the student's research.
  • a thesis which demonstrates a contribution to knowledge in physics or engineering physics

Our department encourages the completion of an MSc degree in 2 years

PhD Requirements

  • a minimum of 9 credit units of courses for candidates who have completed an MSc degree.
  • Completion of a comprehensive examination within 12 months of entering our graduate program. The examination consists of an oral and written report reviewing the aspects of physics or engineering physics appropriate to the student's research.
  • an open seminar on the candidate's research prior to preparation of a thesis
  • a thesis consisting of an original contribution to knowledge in physics or engineering physics which is of sufficient quality to warrant publication

Our department encourages the completion of a PhD degree within 3 years after an MSc degree.

Dual Graduate Degree Program with Peoples' Friendship University of Russia